Online Qigong Classes
Either choose to participate in the Qigong class via ZOOM every Wednesday Australian (AEST) 10am-11am (during the live videoing) or choose to link in later to watch the recording at anytime and day, over the next 7 days as many times as you wish.
Some comments about our online Class:
There is a basic monthly fee of AU$40 paid in advance.
We are now offering a new format for our Online Qigong practice which will follow my ‘in real life’ drop-in classes that I run throughout the year in Sydney. This means we will be conducting individual classes of our popular Qigong forms, as a complete practice session (with some refinement), instead of the cumulative teaching approach that runs over a 4 or 5 week time period.
Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, we have provided step-by-step, detailed instruction via Zoom of our popular Qigong forms. As most of our group have a good understanding of these movements we don’t need to start from the fundamentals each time. The benefits of Qigong come from regular practice and incorporating the principles into our everyday life.