Guigen Qigong is a Chinese Medical Qigong for the purpose of Restoring Natural Harmony. This video is Part 1 in the 6 Part video series. The six sections of Guigen Qigong each work on a different organ and meridian system of the body as in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Specific internal exercises that originated from Dr Xu from the Xiyuan Hospital in Beijing China. There is a DVD and book available for the advanced student or for the person wanting to learn specific
Traditional Chinese Medicine self-healing exercises. The organ meridian system of the body includes the Spleen, Lungs, Kidney, Liver and Heart – which relate to the Five Elements – Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire. Guigen Qigong originated from Dr Xu Hongtao, a Qigong Specialist Doctor from the Xiyuan Hospital in Beijing.
These internal exercises help regulate the meridian system bringing harmony to mind, body and spirit. Total running time: 75 minutes. Simon Blow is an initiated student of the 28th lineage holder Grand Master Chen Chuan Gang and 29th Generation of the Da Yan Wild Goose Qigong.
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